Our Story

Welcome! FemTrade Box is a 501(c)(3) (EIN 86-2219002) nonprofit social enterprise created on the foundation that all women are superheroes. We are a team of fierce women, who believe that every woman has the right to earn a living wage! We have traveled globally, having the opportunity to visit markets and buy from women in these countries. Our team has witnessed the hustle and strength that women embody. Many selling items with babies on their back. Their talent, resilience, resourcefulness, and tenacity keep nations thriving. We at FemTrade Box believe that all women deserve to be empowered and have the ability to provide for themselves and their families. The answer is trade, not aid.

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Our Social Impact

 We help empower women around the globe to seek financial independence.

Our mission is to support women around the world by sharing fair trade items. We are women who support women and we believe in the economic empowerment and stability of women globally. Your subscription will help to ensure that.

Yes, our mission is to end the exploitation of women, but we also want women buying the products that we feature to feel good about the impact that they’re making with their purchases while also looking good. Shopping with a purpose doesn’t get much easier than this; fair trade right at your door step! FemTrade Box is on a mission to empower women by ending sweatshop labor, promoting financial literacy, reducing the amount of women reliant on commercial sex trade and creating and supporting cooperatives for economic independence.

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When women are financially stable, they are less susceptible to abuse, can maintain good hygiene practices and support their families for a better future within their communities and furthermore, the world. So far, we have supported co-ops in 14 countries. These co-ops empower women through financial literacy, healthcare, education, fair wages, and child care.

Women deal with a whole variety of gender issues- violence, unequal distribution of household income, health, and education. Getting women organized around their work empowers them to deal not just with issues in their work environment, but with other issues in their households and in society as well.
— Dr. Martha Chen- Harvard University Faculty and WIEGO International Coordinator
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The Future

We are constantly expanding our reach and cannot wait to start building cooperatives of our own. With your support, we will create holistic programs for women that will create a steady income for themselves, decent working conditions, workshops on leadership and financial literacy, health services, menstrual care access, and a global marketplace. By doing this, fewer women will endure abuse, exploitation, starvation, and harmful hygienic practices. More women will have the CHOICE. When women support women, magic happens!